28 February 2006

Grading papers

"Don't worry, they're going into medicine."
-Grad student in my lab, looking at the lab reports I was grading.

I just finished grading this week's batch of lab reports for the 400-level animal physiology class I'm TAing. I'd like to share a few of the better little oopsies committed by the students this time:

"the heart recovery rat"
"has been use din the past"
"as needed overtime"
"The student with the least amount of excercise a week was tide with"

"two data were collected during this experiment"
"fitness is an important indicator of mortality"
"Fourteen individuals (six males, nine females)"


Janet D. Stemwedel said...

"two data were collected during this experiment"

Makes it much easier to find the linear relation, huh?

Anonymous said...

"The student with the least amount of excercise a week was tide with"

"Excercise." The only error a spelling-checker would have caught.

And it sounds like that student not only needs more exercise, but a serious diet, too.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a clear case of over-reliance on spell-checker. Best way to edit is to give to someone else to read - most of these errors would have been caught.